COVID-19 – an update for our customers
28th April 2020
With the situation regarding Coronavirus changing daily and, in light of the most recent measures introduced by the UK Government, we wanted to provide you with an update on the steps we have put in place and the impact the Coronavirus outbreak is having on our business operations.
Our team
Everyone who can work from home is now doing so. Of course, the nature of our business means not all roles allow remote working. We still need to be able to supply team members who are working in key business, we are continuing to work with our clients to enable essential work to continue.
For those remaining on sites, we’ve worked with a clients to introduce a number of measures designed to keep everyone safe and to ensure suitable social distancing.
With the above changes to our operations and the reduced availability of team members, we are not able to operate as normal, however we are continuing to “Place People First”.
Our message
At this time our focus is very much about balancing the needs of our customers with that of the safeguarding of our team. We are aware that some of our customers continue to carry out important work to ensure essential work continues. We continue to be here for those that need us. If you are struggling to source the right people at this time, please contact us and we will do our best to supply.
Like all of you, we will continue to monitor the situation on a regular basis and will respond accordingly as UK Government advice changes. This is new territory for all of us and, with the situation continuing to change at such a fast pace, we may need to adapt our procedures and service levels further in the future. We aim to do everything we can support you, our team and the wider industry.
If you have any questions, please continue to direct them to your usual Account Manager either by phone or email. For general enquiries or non-urgent matters, we ask you to please email us which will allow us to respond to you faster. Key email address are below:
We will continue to update you as the situation changes, please continue to check our website and social channels for up to date information.
Finally, we encourage you all to stay safe by following your respective Government’s advice and measures introduced.