Winning CVs that Wow Employers
With lots of applicants for every vacancy, your CV needs to stand out from the crowd – for the right reasons!
“Usually, your CV is the first impression that you offer a potential employer. This is your chance to shine,” says Liz Felstead of Stevenage employment agency Essential Results.
So, what makes a good CV? How should it be presented? What should you include?
4 Elements of a Great CV
1. Contact details – give potential employers every opportunity to contact you. Make sure that you use an email address that looks professional – and remember to check your voicemail greeting!
2. Employment – as you state your work history, highlight the skills and responsibilities that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. Remember that you may be asked for examples of achievements using these strengths.
3. Education – qualifications and training relevant to the post should be highlighted. These may have been achieved in or out of work – maybe you attended a course out of personal interest, or as part of a volunteering role?
4. Experience – include work and volunteering, plus remember to explain any gaps. CV gaps are alarming to potential employers – especially if they are for more than two or three months. Be honest and highlight any relevant skills from the gap that may be transferrable to a new role, such as communication skills, time management.
“Whilst it’s a great idea to know who would provide a reference for you, you don’t need to include them within your CV,“ explains Liz. “Stating that ‘references available upon request’ is sufficient, however make sure that you have someone you can ask!”
CVs With Style
Length – two sides of A4 is ideal. It isn’t always easy however two pages will capture essential details and keep them easily visible to potential employers.
- Layout – use headings, bold type and bullet points to let your key information shout out to employers. In such a busy job market, you must help recruiters see your details easily and quickly.
- Language – take ownership of your achievements. For example, say “I achieved the sales target” rather than “the sales target was achieved”. Be proud of your achievements – own them!
- Laziness – avoid creating a lazy CV with errors such as spelling mistakes or the wrong punctuation. Always ask someone you trust to review it for you. (The team at Essential Results can help.) Mistakes in your CV can detract from your achievements.
Big Bonus Tip
Above all, always be honest. Don’t hide or disguise potential problems. Tackle them head on within your CV, highlighting any benefits that arise from the situation involved. Liz explains: “Being honest about experience and qualifications is vital. Telling lies within your CV can easily be found out during interview. Dishonesty is a trait that most employers find hard to accept.”
Are you looking for a new job? Would you like some advice about your CV? Ask the friendly recruitment experts at Essential Results. We’re here to help.