Volunteering to Land Your Dream Job
Are you waiting for that perfect opportunity?
Are you concerned about forming a gap in your CV?
Have you thought about volunteering?
You should! Volunteering benefits both you and your chosen charity or organisation. Even better -giving your time and skills really can help you to land your dream job.
”Helping your community shows your enthusiasm to take on new challenges and go the extra mile,” says Liz Felstead of Stevenage recruitment agency Essential Results. “As well as helping a good cause, you can gain valuable experience and training. We encourage our candidates to actively consider volunteering – during career gaps or whilst they are working and looking for their next role.”
6 Ways Volunteering Boosts Your Job Search
1. Learn New Skills
Does your CV need a boost to appeal to employers in your chosen sector? Volunteering can involve training, support and an opportunity to try something different. If you feel that there’s skills gap in your CV that’s hindering your job search, volunteering could be the answer.
2. Gain Relevant Experience
Experience and responsibilities whilst volunteering form an important part of your CV and job history. Remember to ask for a reference from the organisation you are volunteering with.
3. Make New Contacts
Networking is always important – especially if you are volunteering within the sector or job role that you want to work in. The people you meet whilst volunteering can be valuable contacts both during your job search and once you have started your dream job.
4. Make an Impression
Most employers are keen to demonstrate corporate social responsibility. Candidates with volunteering experience have impact during the recruitment process. Your enthusiasm to help your local community stands out from other applicants and often suits the organisation’s culture.
5. That “Feel Good” Feeling
Volunteering is extremely rewarding – you make a positive difference to the organisation and those that it helps. As well helping others, it can boost your confidence, self-esteem… and job search.
6. Job Search Success
Employers are impressed by initiative, passion and commitment – volunteering demonstrates all of these qualities.
“It’s important to remember that charity and community-based organisations heavily rely upon volunteers,” says Liz Felstead. “Be open about your plans and the time you can offer. Ultimately, volunteering is a win-win situation with benefits for everyone involved. It definitely helps with your job search.”
Are you looking for your dream job? Are you interested in volunteering? Talk to the team at Essential Results – let volunteering take you one step closer to your dream job.