Job Search Blunders on Social Media
Do you use social media? If so, you’re in good company… just under 40 million people in the UK are forecast to be on social media by the end of this year. Wow! That’s 60% of the population! Social media makes it easy – and tempting – to post updates about what we’re doing at any given time. But how does this affect your job search?
Liz Felstead of local Stevenage recruitment agency Essential Results explains: “More and more employers look at candidates’ social media profiles during the recruitment process. It’s vital to check your profile through the eyes of a potential employer before you submit your job application.”
In fact, 84% of managers recruit via social media, and 43% of employers screen job candidates through social networks and search engines. (Society for Human Resource Management.)
Stevenage recruitment expert Liz adds: “There are lots of positive characteristics that come across from social media profiles, such as being people-orientated, charity-minded or physically active, for example. You simply need to remember that your comments are public and represent you to the world – literally! How would you like potential employers to see you?”
Here are five social media blunders to avoid if you’re serious about your job search:
- Sexy or risqué content. Apart from the obvious shenanigans, this could also include posting a photo of your latest tattoo, for example. Some employers may discriminate against a tattooed job candidate.
- Divisive comments concerning religion, politics or extreme views – this applies to images too.
- Illegal activities – even if you are joking, or commenting on someone else’s behaviour. It’s a red flag to potential employers.
- Party time! It’s great to have a social side, and ‘outgoing’ may be an essential trait for your potential new role. However – during job search, refrain from placing partying images on your site. (You may need to ‘untag’ yourself from friends’ images and comments too.)
- Losing your cool. Angry or argumentative comments give a harmful first impression of you to your potential employer. Keep your arguments offline for a while!
To find out more about presenting yourself in the best possible way to potential employers, talk to the team at Essential Results. With over 25 years of recruitment experience, we’ll offer friendly, expert advice to help you win your next job.