Interviews: Be Prepared!
Are you looking for a new job? Whether your ideal role is part of an IT, administration or warehouse team or something different… you need to be prepared to be interviewed by your potential employer.
Every vacancy – part time or full time – requires candidates to attend an interview. This usually involves the line manager of the job vacancy you are applying for, plus someone from the Human resources team.
Interviews can be nerve-wracking – especially if you haven’t applied for a new job for a while.
At Essential Results, we help people to find their next job in and around Stevenage. Whatever the job role you’re looking for, our advice is the same… be prepared!
Here are 7 popular questions that many interviewers ask when you apply for a position.
7 interview questions to prepare for:
- What attracted you to apply for this position?
- What would you say has been your biggest achievement and why?
- Have you ever encountered an especially difficult situation? /How did you deal with that situation?
- What particular strengths and qualifications would you bring to our team / company?
- What are your reasons for leaving your last job/wanting to move on?
- How would you best describe your attitude to your work (e.g. conscientious, hard working, need job satisfaction)?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? (horrid question, but still gets asked)
If you are unsure about how to answer these questions or would like more examples, talk to the friendly team at Essential Results. As a leading independent recruitment agency, we know what employers are looking for and can help you to shine at your next interview. We’ll put the kettle on too.